Spotlight on... Reports
From Lucy and Ben, Julian TSH AB Leads.
Following our review of the progress and assessment reports submitted last term, we are happy to share with you some general guidance and feedback. Thank you to all those Induction Tutors that completed the reporting cycle in a timely manner. The knowledge of and support offered to the ECTs within schools has some real strengths.
Progress Reviews (PR)
For Progress Reviews in terms 1, 2, 4 and 5 it is expected that multiple Teachers' Standards (TS) will be evidenced within the Induction Tutor comments section. The exact number of TSs and which ones referenced will vary across those reports. It is usual that at the PR1 stage, approximately three TSs can be evidenced with confidence.
When commenting on the TSs our preference is that the TS number is also included for tracking purposes. Here are a couple of examples:
Liam sets challenging objectives for the pupils in his classroom. The recently observed lesson on quadratic equations offered a scaffolded challenge that built on the previous lesson content. The prior learning was explicitly referred to and pupils were offered the opportunity of independent practice of those strategies before moving on to the new content (TS2).
Trudy has developed a respectful classroom environment where pupils know what is expected of them. During a recent observation, it was evident that routines have been established as pupils transition from carpet work to table areas and appropriate praise was offered when these expectations were met (TS7).
Assessment Reports (AR)
It is anticipated that comprehensive and accurate reporting within the PRs will assist Induction Tutors when the more detailed Assessment Reports are due in terms three and six of induction. When these are due, the form will prompt for a comment on ALL the Teachers' Standards. It is perfectly acceptable to use strong comments and evidence from the preceding PRs to contribute to the Assessment Report content. For example:
Trudy has maintained a respectful classroom environment where pupils know what is expected of them. Routines have been established at varying points throughout the day and this predictability has aided good mutual relationships and respect. Trudy uses praise and sanctions effectively within the school behaviour policy (TS7).
Changes - please let us know as early as possible if anything changes with your ECT's induction (role, contract, parental leave, long term illness, change in mentor, etc) so that we can best advise and support you.