Hello! And welcome to our November newsletter. We hope you're well and coping with the grey weather and the nights drawing in.
This month we have some website updates for you, and a focus on upcoming recommended CPD.
Also this month, our new early career teachers and mentors have been busy attending their first online clinics and coaching on coaching sessions respectively. Sarah Bird, Deputy Director of the Julian Teaching School Hub, had this to say:
"In a recent coaching on coaching session a mentor talked about how their ECT came to a meeting with their own idea of what they wanted to work on in respect of low level disruption (the focus on Steplab and their clinic). Our ECTs have been identifying underlying features that they can use to maintain high expectations, and the ECT discussed how having a rationale for why we are asking the pupils to carry out activities made a link between instructions and the impact on pupil learning, to motivate pupils to follow instructions more readily. This was an area that she felt needed more instructional coaching from her own mentor in her own context. This is a really positive example of how all of the ECT Programme training aligns to support ECTs throughout their induction period."
Website updates
We now have a dedicated page for early career teachers, with everything they need to know about their induction period, including what to expect, what they're entitled to, and where to go for support. Read more about this below.
We have also added important information for your school if you employ an ECT starting their induction in January 2023. Find it here.
And finally: in consultation with our steering group and a working party made up of local Trust leaders, we have produced a staff development charter. Its purpose is to provide a clear rationale for the importance of professional learning in improving student outcomes; and to have a clearly-defined, evidence-informed approach to staff development which supports schools in realising their strategic aims and priorities through improved recruitment, development and retention of their staff. We encourage schools and Trusts to sign up to it.
Keep in touch
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