National Professional Qualifications
The Julian TSH is delighted to be partnering with Ambition Institute to deliver our NPQs from Spring 2025 onwards.
Why Ambition Institute?
We are excited to expand our partnership with Ambition Institute, having worked with them as a delivery partner since the early roll-out of the ECF-based induction programme in 2020. Ambition Institute is a charity with one purpose: "to help educators serving children from disadvantaged backgrounds to keep getting better". Their mission is to support teachers and school leaders at every stage of their careers, helping them to keep getting better.
Why NPQs?
NPQs complete the DfE’s golden thread, running from initial teacher training through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession. You can read more about Ambition Institute's NPQs here.
How will I learn?
Every NPQ is delivered through a blend of online sessions, face to face workshops, and self-guided learning accessed through Ambition Institute's learning portal, StepLab. This allows you to structure your learning flexibly and to suit your lifestyle.
How are NPQs assessed?
At the end of your course, you will sit an open-book assessment in which you respond to a short case study. You will have an eight-day window in which to complete the assessment.
Is there funding?
NPQs funded for all participants:
Scholarships will continue to be available to teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs:
- Leading primary mathematics (NPQLPM)
- Special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) (NPQ SENCO)
- Headship (NPQH)
Scholarship funding to cover the full NPQ course cost will also be available to teachers and leaders from:
- Schools: the top 50% of state-funded schools in England that have the highest proportion of students attracting pupil premium, as set out in the eligibility lists
- 16–19 settings: the top 50% of state funded settings in England that have the highest proportion of students eligible for disadvantage funding
For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.
You will only be eligible for scholarship funding for the spring 2025 cohort if your setting is on one of the eligible disadvantaged settings lists, and you are taking one of the following NPQs:
- Leading teacher development (NPQLTD)
- Leading teaching (NPQLT)
- Leading behaviour and culture (NPQLBC)
- Leading literacy (NPQLL)
- Senior leadership (NPQSL)
- Executive leadership (NPQEL)
- Early years leadership (NPQEYL)
Eligibility lists for the spring cohort will be made available in early 2025.
Once again, the total number of funded NPQ places available nationally will be capped. Eligibility for funding does not guarantee a place on a funded NPQ course. This includes the NPQ SENCO, NPQH, and NPQLPM.
Spring 2025 cohorts will commence in April. Find out more about funding here.
What courses are the Julian TSH running for spring 2025?
We anticipate running the NPQH, NPQSL, NPQ SENCO, and at least one specialist qualification. We are currently assessing demand for NPQs: please complete our expression of interest form to let us know which course(s) you would like us to run.
How do I apply?
You need to register with DfE for your NPQ, even if you’re not eligible for scholarship funding. This is so that DfE can keep your professional record up to date, check and allocate NPQ funding, and issue NPQ certificates. We anticipate that the DfE NPQ portal will open in early February.
You can register your interest with Ambition Institute now: find out how here. Please also complete our expression of interest form.