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Appropriate Body

The Julian Teaching School Hub is an Appropriate Body (AB) for early career teacher (ECT) induction, based in Norwich. 

Appropriate Bodies independently quality assure statutory induction, ensuring that schools provide adequate support for their ECTs; that their assessment is fair and consistent across all institutions; and that they are receiving a programme of support and training based on the early career framework (ECF).

If an ECT is not registered with an Appropriate Body, they are unable to begin their induction period. Retrospective registrations are not possible. All ECTs need an ‘upfront’ contract of at least one term in order to be eligible for induction. In accordance with the statutory guidance, the post must be suitable for an ECT.  Please contact us for more advice if there is a concern about the suitability of a particular post.

Have you employed an NQT (attained QTS prior to September 2021) who did not complete a one-year induction prior to September 2023?

We are happy to accept these ECTs onto our Appropriate Body service. You will need to have an appropriate ECF-based induction programme in place, including all of the entitlements such as appointment of a mentor and a reduced timetable.

How to register your post-transition ECT via the DfE online service manage training for early career teachers:

  • Register the ECT and their mentor as normal
  • The digital service will tell you (incorrectly) that the teacher has completed induction and is ineligible for training
  • You will then receive a communication from DfE to let you know the following:
    • "Please ignore the status message that {ECT name} has completed their training. We’re aware this is incorrect.
      Why has this happened?
      The Manage training for early career teachers service checks the details of all ECTs against the Database of Qualified Teachers (DQT). We’ve identified that the service is not currently able to properly interpret the records of teachers who:
      · began their induction before September 2021.
      · have not managed to complete a 3-term year induction within the 2-year transition period.
      · have not had their 3-term induction extended within the 2-year transition period.
      · still need to complete their 6-term induction.
      Next steps
      1.   We’ll let your training provider know that {ECT name} is eligible for funded ECF-based training for the remainder of their 6-term induction.
      2.   We’ll update their status in the DfE service as soon as possible.
      You do not need to take any further action."
  • This will not affect your ability to register your ECT with us as an AB.

How to Register with us - Julian TSH Appropriate Body

Have you chosen how you will deliver an ECF-based two year induction programme? And registered your ECT(s) and their mentor(s) on the DfE digital portal?

The next step for schools wishing to register with us is to get in touch to request a service level agreement. Once we have your completed agreement, we will invite you to register on our online portal, ECT Manager. This is a paperless system for recording data securely, submitting assessments, accessing resources, raising alerts and managing ECTs during induction. Please do not register on ECT Manager until we invite you to.

When you register on ECT Manager, please ensure that you have:

  • Your ECT’s teacher reference number (TRN)
  • Their full name as it is registered with the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA), and date of birth
  • Their contact details including home address
  • Their teacher training information (institution, subject(s), age group(s))
  • Full name of their induction tutor
  • Full name of their mentor.

You can find a step-by-step guide to registering on ECT Manager here.

Induction can only commence once we have checked that the information you provide matches data already registered with the Teaching Regulation Agency: in the busy summer months please be aware that checks may only be possible within the normal working day period.

Please note that for September starters, when you register your ECT(s) on ECT Manager you must enter the induction start date as September. We appreciate that many ECTs begin their contracts in the summer term in order to complete their school-based induction; however entering an induction start date in the summer will trigger progress reviews and assessments at odd times!

ECT Induction Handbook 

Every ECT must have a personalised induction programme. The core of the programme is half-termly meetings between the ECT and their induction tutor. The ECT induction process is fully explained in the handbook which also describes all the elements that must be included in the induction programme.  

You can download the handbook at the bottom of this page.

Guide to Appropriate Body Services 

Supporting you in providing the ECF entitlement to your ECTs

There are three approaches to enable the delivery of an ECF-based induction. Schools can choose:

  • A DfE-funded provider-led programme 
  • To deliver their own training using DfE-accredited materials and resources 
  • To design and deliver their own ECF-based induction.

It is up to school leaders to choose the approach that best suits the needs of their early career teachers and mentors. In addition to serving as an Appropriate Body, the Julian TSH is a delivery partner of Ambition Institute, delivering the funded provider-led programme.

Please contact us if you wish to register for this high-quality training programme for ECTs and their mentors, which comes at no cost to schools.

Service fees

For the services outlined above the costs are as follows:

ECF route chosen by the school Cost payable to the Appropriate Body per ECT
Full 2-year induction period Partial induction period: 1 year Partial induction period: 1 term
Funded provider-led programme


£330 £195
Deliver own training using DfE-accredited materials and resources £1325 (+£525 for each additional ECT) £1055 £860

Design and deliver own ECF-based induction

£1750 (+£525 for each additional ECT) £1095 £990


If you have any questions regarding our Appropriate Body work, please contact us.