Hello! And welcome to this month's newsletter, as you find us wondering when spring will decide to - well, spring. Since we last wrote to you we've been busy bees, with our spring NPQ cohorts having attended their first national webinar; our year one ECTs having attended their second clinics; and our appropriate body induction tutors having attended their spring term twilight. It's a lot for us all to fit into a very short half term, and we appreciate everyone's continued attendance!
Last week we learned that the Julian TSH has retained its teaching school hub status for a further four-year period. This was by no means guaranteed, so we are delighted at the outcome - and would like to thank you for everything you do to support our work: we see it and we appreciate it.
And finally...
The Julian TSH has published a new attendance policy, intended to be referenced in conjunction with the attendance policies of our lead providers for the ECT programme and NPQs. We're always looking for ways to assist participants in getting the most out of our programmes, and we hope that it's clear that the policy is intended to be supportive. You can find it - along with our other policy documents - here.
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