Using examples to teach grammar to enhance writing in Year 7: a Teacher Choices Trial
Express your interest in participating.
NFER are recruiting schools to take part in a research project about how examples and worked examples can be used when teaching Year 7 English. The approaches are informed by cognitive science. The project will compare three different ways to use examples, in the context of teaching grammar patterns, to enhance writing.
English teachers will be randomly allocated to one of three groups: 1) analysing examples to identify grammar patterns and their effect; 2) using worked examples in a lesson starter; 3) using worked examples integrated into the lesson.
Teachers will be provided with guidance and resources to support participation. More information about the study is available on the project page.
Schools will receive £100 per participating teacher at the end of the trial, to use at their discretion.
Recruitment is currently open to all state-funded secondary schools in England. Please sign-up via this Expression of Interest Form as soon as possible.