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Climate and Nature Action in Education

Empowering Education for a Sustainable Future: news from UEA.

"Climate and Nature Action in Education: East of England: Support for your education setting's climate and nature action journey starts here. 

We are very excited to be undertaking this journey with you. Education settings have a key part to play in safeguarding our children's future in the face of a changing climate and biosphere. Here at the UEA, we know that regions of the country face their own unique challenges, but also have special qualities that can help real change happen.

The DfE has stated that all education settings are to have a Climate Action Plan and a designated Sustainability Lead in place by 2025. The Climate Ambassadors scheme can help. And UEA, as its East of England Regional Hub, has got your back.

While we're already working hard with our support, we are pleased to announce our regional launch taking place in September! The day will be split into two parts, and we hope you can join us.

If you have any further questions, get in touch with the East of England Climate Ambassadors team at

Final details, timings and itinerary to be confirmed soon.

Kicking-off Climate and Nature Action through Education in the East of England: The Context
When: Wednesday 25th September 10:00-11:30
Where: Hybrid (Online & UEA Enterprise Centre)
Outline: Where are you on this journey? How can the Climate Ambassador scheme and its sister projects can support your education setting?

Climate and Nature Action through Education in the East of England: Showcase & Workshop
When: Wednesday 25th September 12:30-15:30
Where: UEA Enterprise Centre
Outline: Climate Ambassador showcase and meet-and-greet. Collaborative auditing and action planning. Cluster network set-up."

Book your place.