Do you need QTS to study an NPQ?
Find out the answer to this frequently asked question!
So you work in a school and are interested in undertaking an NPQ - but you don't have qualified teacher status (QTS). Is this a barrier?
The short answer is NO!
While NPQs are most commonly studied by teachers, there are some qualifications that will also benefit school support staff or other people working in education. For example:
- The NPQ in Early Years Leadership is specifically aimed at childminders, nursery staff, and any early years professionals
- The NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture is ideal for support staff who have responsibility for behaviour and the wider school culture - e.g., pastoral office staff, non-teaching head of year, behaviour officer
- The NPQ in Senior Leadership may benefit support staff who are (or aspire to be) part of a school's senior leadership team - e.g., designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
Provided your school is happy to support you in your studies, and you are able to read and understand education research, then we will be happy to support an application from you.
You will need a teacher reference number (TRN) in order to begin your application. You can still get a TRN if you don't have QTS: you can find out how to do that here.
At the Julian TSH we believe in learning and growth for all, whether you have QTS or not. Why not take the next step in your career with us?