ECT induction programme updates
From Ambition Institute
StepLab training dates
Each term Ambition Institute runs StepLab training sessions for participants on the ECT programme to either learn or revisit StepLab in relation to their role. This term's dates are:
ECT Year 1
- Monday 3 February, 3.30-4pm
- Thursday 6 February, 4.15-4.45pm
ECT Year 2
- Tuesday 4 February, 3.30-4pm
- Wednesday 5 February, 4.15-4.45pm
Induction tutors
- Tuesday 4 February, 4.15-4.45
- Wednesday 5 February, 3.30-4pm
Mentors (both years)
- Monday 3 February, 4.15-5pm
- Thursday 6 February 3.30-4.15pm
Links will be sent directly to participants.
ECT programme Ofsted inspection
"Ambition Institute are expecting a full Ofsted inspection into our ECF Programme between January and June 2025. Since our last, very successful inspection in 2023, we have continued to develop our fantastic programme alongside building on our work with you. We are therefore confident and excited by the opportunity to share this with inspectors."
This inspection will involve a range of stakeholder engagement, including meetings with delivery partners, visiting fellows, school leaders, mentors and ECTs. Ofsted will ask for feedback via the Ofsted 'stakeholder feedback survey' and may arrange meetings when they conduct delivery partner visits. The inspection will run over a period of 9 working days. Days 1-5 are focused on preparation, followed by a team of inspectors visiting and meeting with stakeholders on days 6-9.
We will keep stakeholders informed with regular updates.