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Enhancing Teacher Agency with Technology

A new project from UEA.

Project aims

This project looks at how and why teachers use technology (EdTech). We take a place-based approach to build a new model for understanding teachers' agency with technology in context. Our model will help educators in primary and secondary schools, and aid researchers and policy makers across the UK.

What is teacher agency?

Teacher agency is an individual teacher's power to act, and the actions and decisions they take within their own context.

Our research addresses how teachers conceptualise their current agency with technology (enactment); teachers' aspirations for agency with technology (what it might be); the extent to which different technologies invite teachers' agency (what is possible); and the role technology can play in developing teachers' agency (enhancement).

Our transformational view of teacher agency with technology sees teachers as experts with agency and judgement.

Our questions

  1. What are your current practices and uses of technology, and what agency do you have with EdTech?
  2. To what extent do the EdTech resources and infrastructures of your work allow you to meet your aims and aspirations for teaching and learning?
  3. If we could start anew in designing and choosing EdTech, what would you want it to do?

Take our survey

Teachers working in UK schools are invited to complete our 10-minute survey about the EdTech they use in the course of their work and the agency they have over how those technologies are adopted and adapted.

Take the survey.