Initial Teacher Training Update
By Sarah Bird, ITT Lead at the Julian Teaching School Hub.
With the 2021-22 cohort of Initial Teacher Trainees now having completed their placements, the Julian Teaching School Hub would like to thank our schools for their continued involvement with SCITT.
The Julian Teaching School Hub will continue to work with SCITT in 2022-23, and we are looking to increase the EENEL5 schools' partnership with placements in both primary and secondary. The DfE talks of a 'golden thread' of evidence based training from the ITT Core Content Framework, ECF programme and the NPQs. We are excited to be part of this career progression to continue our commitment to provide quality teaching, mentoring and ultimately pupil progress.
NPQLTD scholarships for ITT lead mentors: the DfE has announced that lead mentors for providers accredited to deliver Initial Teacher Training from 2024 will be eligible for scholarships to access the NPQLTD from Spring 2023.
Many ITT lead mentors will be employed by state-funded schools, and as such will already be eligible for DfE funding for NPQs. Lead mentors who are employed by state-funded schools and state-funded 16-19 organisations and who are already eligible for NPQ scholarships should use the existing registration on the Julian Teaching School Hub website.