Recommended CPD for 2022-23
We're delighted to recommend the following programmes.
One of our core values is partnerships between learning organisations. Having identified CPD need, we seek to work with a wide range of schools and organisations to identify who is best placed to design and deliver that CPD. This may be one of our local partners, ourselves, someone we have not previously worked with, or a collaboration. What drives our decision-making is fidelity to evidence with intelligent adaptation, another of our core values. Before we signpost any wider CPD to schools, we audit its design for the programme against the evidence base, offering feedback to the programme lead until we are happy that standards are high.
With that in mind, we are happy to recommend the following:
- Assessment Academy Online, provided by Evidence Based Education, in partnership with the Julian Teaching School Hub, L.E.A.D. Teaching School Hub, and Unity Teaching School Hub
- Getting Formative Assessment Right in the Early Years, provided by VNET CIC
- Norfolk SENDCo Now, provided by Norfolk County Council
- Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants in Norfolk, provided by Norwich Research School in partnership with Norfolk County Council.